DO NOT sign anything admitting paternity until you have had DNA testing. DNA testing is not painful for your baby. It’s only a Q-tip swipe from inside the baby’s mouth and can be done for as little as $175.00. Learning the results can be as quick as two weeks. Know for sure now, rather than questioning it later.
DID YOU KNOW that if your baby receives any kind of government benefit, a child support case will be opened against you — even if the child’s mom doesn’t want to open it? The child support order can go back to the day your child was born, which means that you automatically owe back support even before your first time in court.
DID YOU KNOW that living together with the mother does not matter if she is receiving government benefits? That back support debt can keep you from getting a car loan or a student loan. This debt is permanent, and you will never get rid of it unless it is all paid in full.
DID YOU KNOW that Dads have the same rights to custody of their kids as Moms?
DID YOU KNOW that Grandparents do not have any rights to the children or any rights to tell you what to do with your child? Yes, the Grandparents try to take over what they think are the best interests of your child, but remember, this is your child not theirs.