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Family Law Attorneys Miami

Focused on Fighting for Fathers' Rights in Florida

At DADvocacy™ Law Firm, we believe that fathers should be viewed as equal to mothers in family law proceedings. We represent fathers in a system that, although it is well-intended and designed to grant equal parental rights, often favors mothers – to the detriment of the children involved. Our Miami family law attorneys believe that fathers are just as capable and necessary caregivers for their children as mothers, and we aim to preserve their rights in family court.

We handle a range of family law matters that also affect parental rights from our offices in Miami and Celebration, FL. This includes divorcechild custodyvisitationpaternity cases, prenuptial agreements, and child support. Any one of these areas has the potential to dramatically influence a father’s life from financial and emotional standpoints. They also profoundly impact the children involved. By protecting the best interests of your children and your rights as a father, our goal is to pursue the best possible result in your unique case.

To learn more about our family law services, fill out our Intake FormSe habla Español.

Protect Your Rights and Responsibilities.

As a dad, you have specific rights and responsibilities. These cannot be ignored, and in some cases, you may need an advocate for your rights to ensure they are not violated or jeopardized in any way.

The Miami family lawyers at DADvocacy™ Law Firm passionately fight for:

  • A father’s right to custody of his children.
  • A father’s right to spend quality time with his children.
  • A father’s right to receive child support if he is the primary caregiver for his children.
  • A father’s right to pay reduced child support if he spends more time with his children.

Get the help of our seasoned family law attorneys in Miami and Celebration, FL. We can positively influence your life and the lives of your children.

Fill out our Intake Form to schedule a free consultation.

Serving Dads Across Miami

Why Hire DADvocacy Law Firm™

Our firm serves as a place of refuge for fathers looking to reclaim their rights. Whether our clients deal with matters relating to divorcechild custodychild supportpaternity rightsprenuptial agreements, and visitation rights, we step right in to ensure that their best interests are heard, protected, and accounted for. It is our mission to make top-notch representation affordable and accessible to dads across Miami.

Serving Committed
Loving Dads

24-Hour Turnaround

Bilingual Legal Staff

Flat Fees & Fixed Rates

Law Firm Serving Dads

Free Case Evaluations